
Embracing Change: C3X Education in a Virtual Environment - NACAS

Written by NACAS | 09/22/20

Embracing Change: C3X Education in a Virtual Environment

When the coronavirus pandemic flipped all of our lives upside down, NACAS watched as several other associations quickly pivoted their annual conferences to virtual experiences or cancel altogether. With the C3X Annual Conference & Expo slated for November, we were fortunate to know we had time to be intentional about what we were going to do and how we would get there. Just like everyone else, we were worried about our ability to meet expectations, to deliver the C3X experience we know our members have enjoyed over the years, the experience we’ve worked so hard to elevate year over year. Six months later into this pandemic, these are two things I know to be true: 1.) C3X will be offered virtually and 2.) It’s still going to be a great experience that everyone talks about for years to come.

Instead of wishing things would go back to “normal,” I’ve decided to embrace the change. There is nothing unique in me saying times are tough, change is hard, and wondering when we’ll be able to meet again. Today, I can choose to be present and accept the way of the world, knowing that the way we show up can bring about the positive transformations we are hopeful for.

In the coming days and weeks, NACAS will be releasing more information about our conference schedule and educational offerings. Our education sessions continue to be ranked the #1 most valuable component of C3X — an unsurprising reflection of the value of continuous learning and the incredible insights our members have to share. At the onset of our Call for Programs process, many on our team were concerned that members wouldn’t have the capacity to submit anything or that we’d lack innovative, timely solutions for the challenges we know are top of mind.

I have combed through the educational session submissions and can tell you the same thoughtfulness, energy, and effort is more present than ever. I have watched videos of our keynotes and have been moved by their liveliness and charisma. I have sat through endless training tutorials and know that we are in amazing hands that are ready to deliver an exceptional online experience. And perhaps most of all, I have listened quietly in team meetings, soaking up Kelsey’s tenacity to move us forward despite all the 2020 setbacks, knowing that we will deliver education for our members rooted in our drive to keep student success at the forefront of higher education.

Online conferencing fatigue is real, but C3X will be like nothing else out there. Show up just like you would in person, ready to soak up all the content and networking opportunities available to you: our members and business partners. I look forward to seeing you (virtually) at C3X!

Jacquelyn has been an employee of NACAS since 2017 and currently serves as the Educational Program Manager. A Virginia Tech Hokie, Jacquelyn lives in Richmond, VA with her fiance, Kyle, and their dog, Rudy.