
eXpress eXtended: Doing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Like You Mean It - NACAS

Written by NACAS | 10/28/20

Doing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Like You Mean It

Layla Naranjo and Bahar Navab

How do you take the individual un-learning and learning to operationalize Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging within your respective organizations? In this session, you will:

  • Discuss the value of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in auxiliary services
  • Identify specific actions to operationalize DEIB to impact the staff experience and support your bottom line
  • Draft organizational goals with equity and inclusion at the center

ABOUT: Bahar Navab serves as Associate Dean of Students and Executive Director for the ASUC Student Union at the University of California Berkeley. She recently founded and continues to co-chair the Middle East, North African, and South Asian (MENASA) staff organization at UC Berkeley. Previously, Bahar worked at University Health Services (UHS) where she served as Associate Director of Insurance and Business Development, responsible for Berkeley’s Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and a number of cross-functional programs including the mandatory TB and immunization program. Bahar is finishing her PhD at UC Berkeley’s Health Policy program. During the course of her doctoral studies, Bahar served as the Graduate Assembly President and Vice President from 2011-2014. Bahar received her MPH at UCLA and her BA in History at UC Berkeley and spent several years managing projects and conducting research analyses at UCLA and UCSF before returning to Berkeley for her doctoral studies.