NACAS Foundation Board of Directors
Position Responsibilities

View NACAS Foundation Board of Director positions and responsibilities below.



The President of the Foundation must currently be or had previously been an employee of a member institution of NACAS.


The President of the Foundation shall, at all times:

  • Uphold the By-laws of the Foundation.
  • Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • Conduct business in compliance with established Foundation policies.
  • Practice the established values in the NACAS Core Values statement.
  • Support the pillars of the Foundation.
  • Support the mission and vision of NACAS.
  • Conduct Foundation business in accordance with the NACAS Strategic Plan.


The President of the Foundation shall:

  • Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Foundation.
  • Read and understand the Memorandum of Understanding between NACAS and the Foundation.
  • In collaboration with the NACAS CEO, oversee the Foundation fundraising strategy.
  • Set the date and place for all Board of Directors meetings, one of which shall be held at the site of the C3X Conference & Expo.
  • Preside at meetings of the Board and Executive Committee.
  • Serve as member of the Foundation’s Finance Committee and attend committee meetings.
  • Enforce all administrative rules and regulations.
  • Provide direction and leadership for the Foundation, including assignments and direction for Foundation Directors’ fundraising efforts.
  • Ask for contributions to the Annual Campaign from each NACAS Regional association.
  • Attend the annual NACAS Leadership Team Meeting, NACAS Summer Board Meeting, and the joint NACAS and Foundation Finance Committee meetings.
  • Serves on the NACAS Board of Directors as a voting member.
  • The President shall be deemed to be the Immediate Past President for the following year.

In addition, the President shall hold the same responsibilities held by Foundation Directors:

  • Lead peer to peer fundraising efforts to support NACAS programs and initiatives.
  • Ask for contributions to the Annual Campaign.
  • Support, organize, and lead regional Flip-a-Coin events for the region to which the President belongs. This includes soliciting prizes, pre-event planning, and on-site coordination.
  • Provide on-site support to C3X Flip-a-Coin event.
  • Participate in member affinity building events organized by Foundation.
  • Regularly attend Foundation functions and meetings.
  • Set policy that provides fiscal stewardship of endowments, donors, and NACAS program support.
  • Donate to the Foundation either monthly or annually.

Length of Term

The President shall serve two years upon installation at the Foundation Board meeting held at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.



The Vice President of the Foundation must currently be or had previously been an employee of a member institution of NACAS.


The Vice President of the Foundation shall, at all times:

  • Uphold the By-laws of the Foundation.
  • Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • Conduct business in compliance with established Foundation policies.
  • Practice the established values in the NACAS Core Values statement.
  • Support the pillars of the Foundation.
  • Support the mission and vision of NACAS.
  • Conduct Foundation business in accordance with the NACAS Strategic Plan.


The Vice President of the Foundation shall:

  • Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Foundation.
  • Read and understand the Memorandum of Understanding between NACAS and the Foundation.
  • Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and attend committee meetings.
  • Serve as member of the Finance Committee and attend committee meetings, including the joint NACAS and Foundation Finance Committee meetings.
  • Sits in for the Foundation President when they are not available.
  • Chair the Nominating Committee.
  • Prepare to assume the office of President, upon installation or upon the death, removal from office, or inability to act of the sitting President.
  • Attend the annual NACAS Leadership Team Meeting
  • Attend the NACAS Summer Board Meeting, shadowing the Foundation President in their role on the NACAS Board
  • Attend the Committee Chair Council (CCC) calls and complete the CCC reports; provide the Committee Chair Council (CCC) report to the Foundation.
  • Lead the Foundation efforts in supporting the NACAS Strategic Plan.
  • Assume the office of the Foundation President once their Vice President term is complete.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President.

In addition, the Vice President shall hold the same responsibilities held by Foundation Directors:

  • Ask for contributions to the Annual Campaign as directed by Foundation President annually.
  • Support, organize, and lead regional Flip-a-Coin events for the region to which the Vice President belongs. This includes soliciting prizes, pre-event planning, and on-site coordination.
  • Provide on-site support to C3X Flip-a-Coin event.
  • Participate in member affinity building events organized by Foundation.
  • Regularly attend Foundation functions and meetings.
  • Set policy that provides fiscal stewardship of endowments, donors, and NACAS program support.
  • Donate to the Foundation either monthly or annually.

Length of Term

The Vice President shall serve a two-year term upon installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.



The Treasurer of the Foundation must currently be or had previously been an employee of a member institution of NACAS.


The Treasurer of the Foundation shall, at all times:

  • Uphold the By-laws of the Foundation.
  • Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • Conduct business in compliance with established Foundation policies.
  • Practice the established values in the NACAS Core Values statement.
  • Support the pillars of the Foundation.
  • Support the mission and vision of NACAS.
  • Conduct Foundation business in accordance with the NACAS Strategic Plan.


The Treasurer of the Foundation shall:

  • Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Foundation.
  • Serve as a full voting member of the Foundation Board of Directors and attend board meetings.
  • Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and attend committee meetings.
  • Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee. Conduct meetings as needed.
  • Review and recommend changes to the fiscal policies of the Foundation.
  • Advise the Foundation Board of Directors concerning reserve and other investments.
  • Work with the NACAS CEO/Finance Team to prepare status reports for all board meetings.
  • Ensure that all funding priorities adhere to the Foundation’s mission, vision, and strategic direction of the Foundation.
  • In conjunction with the NACAS Director of Finance, prepare any special reports requested by the President or Foundation Board of Directors.
  • In conjunction with the NACAS Director of Finance, prepare a proposed budget with direction from the Finance Committee, Foundation Board of Directors, and the NACAS CEO or staff designee.
  • Present proposed budget for approval by the Foundation Board of Directors at the Board meeting held at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
  • Attend the annual NACAS Leadership Team Meeting and the NACAS Summer Board Meeting.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President.

In addition, the Treasurer shall hold the same responsibilities held by Foundation Directors:

  • Ask for contributions to the Annual Campaign as directed by Foundation President annually.
  • Support, organize, and lead regional Flip-a-Coin events for the region to which the Treasurer belongs. This includes soliciting prizes, pre-event planning, and on-site coordination.
  • Provide on-site support to C3X Flip-a-Coin event.
  • Participate in member affinity building events organized by Foundation.
  • Regularly attend Foundation functions and meetings.
  • Set policy that provides fiscal stewardship of endowments, donors, and NACAS program support.
  • Donate to the Foundation either monthly or annually.

Length of Term

The Treasurer shall serve a two-year term upon election and installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo. The Treasurer may serve as many successive one (1) year terms as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.



The Directors of the Foundation must have an affiliation with NACAS and wish to serve the mission of the Foundation. Such parameters for affiliation are outlined in the Foundation Bylaws.


The Directors of the Foundation shall, at all times:

  • Uphold the By-laws of the Foundation.
  • Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • Conduct business in compliance with established Foundation policies.
  • Practice the established values in the NACAS Core Values statement.
  • Support the pillars of the Foundation.
  • Support the mission and vision of NACAS.
  • Conduct Foundation business in accordance with the NACAS Strategic Plan.


Directors of the Foundation shall:

  • Ask for contributions to the Annual Campaign as directed by Foundation President annually.
  • Support regional Flip-a-Coin events, including soliciting prizes, pre-event planning, and on-site coordination.
  • Provide on-site support to C3X and regional Flip-a-Coin events, and other fundraisers.
  • Participate in member affinity building events organized by Foundation.
  • Regularly attend Foundation functions and meetings.
  • Set policy that provides fiscal stewardship of endowments, donors, and NACAS program support.
  • Donate to the Foundation either monthly or annually.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President.

Length of Term

The Director shall serve a three-year term upon election and installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.

NACAS Board Representative


The NACAS Board representative is the President-Elect of the NACAS Board of Directors, or otherwise appointed by NACAS and agreed upon through the MOU. The NACAS Board representative must be a current voting member of the NACAS Board of Directors.


The NACAS Board Representative of the Foundation shall, at all times:

  • Uphold the By-laws of the Foundation.
  • Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • Conduct business in compliance with established Foundation policies.
  • Practice the established values in the NACAS Core Values statement.
  • Support the pillars of the Foundation.
  • Support the mission and vision of NACAS.
  • Conduct Foundation business in accordance with the NACAS Strategic Plan. 


The NACAS Board Representative of the Foundation shall:

  • Serve as a liaison between NACAS and the NACAS Foundation.
  • Report on NACAS activities or initiatives as relevant.
  • Ask for contributions to the Annual Campaign as directed by Foundation President annually.
  • Support on-site coordination efforts for regional Flip-a-Coin events for the region to which the NACAS Board Representative belongs.
  • Provide on-site support to C3X Flip-a-Coin event.
  • Participate in member affinity building events organized by Foundation.
  • Regularly attend Foundation functions and meetings.
  • Set policy that provides fiscal stewardship of endowments, donors, and NACAS program support.
  • Donate to the Foundation either monthly or annually.

Length of Term

The NACAS Board Representative shall serve a one-year term upon installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.

Secretary (ex-officio)

Responsibilities: The NACAS Chief Executive Officer (Ex-Officio) acts as Secretary of the Board and performs other duties as assigned by the President and the Board. In any role working with the Foundation Board, the NACAS CEO may designate another NACAS staff member to serve in the CEO’s place.

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