NACAS Awards

Select an option below:
  • Awards Home
  • Robert F. Newton Award for Distinguished Service
  • Edwin R. Golden Award for Inclusive Excellence
  • Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services
  • Regional Rising Star
  • Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Legacy Award
  • Retirement Award – Silver Torch
Select an option below:
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Outstanding Business Partner of the Year Award
  • Regional Mentor Awards
  • NACAS Presidential Service Award
  • Cornerstone of the Profession Award

Cornerstone of the Profession Award

Any current NACAS member can submit nominations for the Cornerstones of the Profession Award. Self-nominations will be accepted and are encouraged. Nominees should stand out in at least two of the three areas outlined in the criteria below, with particular attention paid to service to NACAS.


  • Any current, retired, or retiring employee of a NACAS member institution.


  • Served as leaders, teachers, and scholars in auxiliary services;
  • Demonstrated the value of commitment to volunteer leadership in NACAS by providing significant service to NACAS through regional and/or national leadership roles within the Association over a minimum 10-year period;
  • Demonstrated investment in their campus that created a lasting impact on the institution(s) at which they have worked, leaving a legacy of extraordinary service recognized by a cross-section of institutional/organizational stakeholders; and/or
  • Demonstrate the value of connection to the field of auxiliary services in higher education by demonstrated sustained, lifetime professional distinction in the field of auxiliary services

Selection Process

  • Cornerstone Class award recipients will be selected at regional level and provided to the NACAS Foundation Board.
  • Nomination should include in the nomination the complete contact information for the nominator and nominee, the nominee’s CV or résumé.
  • Three key bullet points of how the nominee meets the award criteria.
  • You may solicit additional reference letters; however, these are not required.


If selected as a Cornerstone Class member, the nominator and selected Foundation Board member will have a goal to raise $3,500 in the name of the individual being nominated to further grants and scholarship to support the professional development of NACAS members. Award recognition includes participating in an education panel session at NACAS C3X, as a way for members to learn from honorees about their accomplishments and service to NACAS.

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NACAS Presidential Service Award

This award, selected by the NACAS President, recognizes an individual who has made a lasting impact on NACAS and the auxiliary services profession. This award recipient has given willingly of their time and expertise with the simple goal of improving the profession.

Selection is based on an individual who has made the most significant contribution to the NACAS community through their participation and leadership, and contribution of support, vision, energy, and talent.

Each year, if appropriate, the NACAS President may bestow this recognition on an individual or individuals of his/her choosing.

Regional Rising Star

This Award recognizes one individual in an auxiliary service unit or central management organization who has provided excellent services and has demonstrated the ability and desire to excel in the field of auxiliary services management. Candidates must possess the potential to assume progressively more auxiliary management responsibilities. There is one recipient of this award and scholarship per NACAS region.


  • Eligible professionals must be employees of a NACAS member institution and possess at least three years of experience in auxiliary services.
  • Preference will be given to those professionals who are CASP certified.


  • Demonstrate leadership qualities commensurate with professional advancement.
  • Provide a written statement from a senior auxiliary services professional addressing how the nominee has contributed to the success of the institution. Specific examples should be provided.


A one-time scholarship in the amount of $1,000 is provided to recipients to be used to attend the C3X Annual Conference & Expo. This scholarship will be applied to the registration fee, and the remaining funds may be used towards travel and accommodation expenses.

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Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services

This award recognizes imaginative and unique quality of product, service or program that enhances customer service, generates additional revenue or reduces costs, and provides adaptability for other institutions.


  • Eligible professionals must be employees of a NACAS member institution


  1. The service or program must be imaginative/unique in quality.
  2. The service or program must demonstrate documented enhancement of customer service.
  3. The service or program must demonstrate generation of additional revenue or reduction of costs.
  4. The service or program must provide adaptability for other institutions.
  5. Overall presentation quality.

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Awards Committee.
  • Submissions should include a completed nomination form and a written description of the program or project, not to exceed five pages of descriptive data. Supporting documentation should include statistics or data showing the impact of the innovative service or program to campus. Please include a brief summary (one to two paragraphs) of your report.
  • Self-nominations are welcome.


The winner would be provided $500 towards airfare reimbursement to attend the C3X Annual Conference & Expo and receive the award. The Association would provide one (1) complimentary C3X Annual Conference registration to the award winner as well as four (4) nights at the conference hotel. The winner’s project would be presented in an article in College Services magazine and/or at an educational session during conference.

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Edwin R. Golden Award for Inclusive Excellence

This award was established in 1992 in honor of Edwin R. "Bob" Golden for his foresight in acknowledging the need for attention to issues of cultural diversity in the Association. The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding campus leadership, activities and/or programs promoting cultural awareness and inclusion. This award recognizes exemplary and outstanding service to cultural awareness in the profession of college auxiliary management and the promotion of inclusion in an on-going fashion, through leadership in the areas of cultural diversity and equality.


  • Any current individual member, institution or Business Partner. Self-nominations welcome.


  1. Demonstrate exemplary and outstanding service to cultural awareness in the profession of college auxiliary management
  2. Promote inclusiveness in an on-going fashion, through leadership in the areas of cultural diversity and equality
  3. Provide written documentation of a change or increased diversity on campus/in company.

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Inclusive Excellence Committee.
  • Submissions should include a completed nomination form and a written description of the campus leadership, activity, and/or program which promotes cultural awareness and inclusion and its impact on the campus community. Backup documentation and letters of support are highly encouraged.
  • No more than three awards will be given in any one year. This award is not necessarily an annual award. The committee will recommend a recipient only in the case of exemplary and outstanding service.


Winners will be featured in the NACAS magazine, College Services, and will be recognized at the Annual Conference.

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Robert F. Newton Award for Distinguished Service

The Robert F. Newton Award for Distinguished Service is the most prestigious award recognizing an individual who has displayed extraordinary and outstanding service to NACAS and to the profession.


  • Any current, retired, or retiring employee of a NACAS member institution or Business Partner.


  1. Contribute over a minimum period of 10 years to the cumulative knowledge and stature of the profession.
  2. Promote the auxiliary services profession through NACAS and/or the Regional Associations in an on-going fashion, establishing him/herself as an effective leader within the auxiliary services field and serving as an example to others in the profession.
  3. Provide significant contributions to NACAS through committee assignments, committee chairships, and/or service on the national or regional boards.
  4. Other items such as awards received, literary contributions to the profession, etc., are also considered in selecting the recipient.

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Awards Committee.
  • Submissions should include a completed nomination form and a written statement addressing how the nominee has met the criteria.
  • Letters of support should be provided by members of the region, the nominee’s institution, as well as current or past regional or national board members.
  • Please include a list of regional and/or national board service, committee service or assignments, and other key contributions to NACAS or auxiliary services.
  • Self-nominations are welcome.


The winner would receive perpetual NACAS membership after retirement including perpetual complimentary C3X Annual Conference registration after retirement. The winner would also be eligible to designate $2,500 of unrestricted NACAS Foundation funds towards the restricted fund(s) of their choosing.

Historical Robert Newton Award Winners

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Outstanding Business Partner of the Year Award

This award is presented to the companies which have made particularly noteworthy contributions to NACAS member institutions and to the auxiliary services profession.


  • Any NACAS Business Partner in good standing.


  1. Embodiment, on a daily basis, of the ideals of outstanding customer service and support of the educational process at NACAS institutions.
  2. Contributes to the success of NACAS and individual members (not necessarily financially) through creative and generous means (i.e. partnerships, sharing of info, etc.).

Selection Process

  • Two winners may be selected each year – one company with a regional presence and one with a national presence.
  • Submissions should include a completed nomination form and a written statement addressing how the nominee has met the criteria.


Winner will be recognized at the Annual Conference and will be featured in the NACAS magazine, College Services.

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Regional Mentor Award

This award recognizes a member in each region who has shown initiative in welcoming newcomers and promoting/encouraging involvement of members at the regional/national level.


  • Any employee of a current member institution or Business Partner who is not an officer, director or Board member at the regional or national level.


  1. Participation at the regional level, rising above the call of duty to welcome new or potential members
  2. Promote involvement in NACAS at the regional or national level

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Regional Board of Directors of the nominee’s region.
  • Submissions should include a completed nomination form and a written statement addressing how the nominee has met the criteria.
  • Self-nominations are welcome.


Winners will be recognized at their respective Regional Breakfasts at the C3X Annual Conference & Expo.

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Awards & Scholarships

NACAS, with the financial support of the NACAS Education Foundation, honors the best and brightest in our industry with 11 different award & scholarship categories. Nominated by their professional peers, award winners are announced and honored at each year’s C3X Annual Conference & Expo.

2023 Award Winners

Congratulations to our 2023 NACAS Member Award winners! Your creativity, dedication to auxiliaries, and commitment to higher education have impacted not only your schools but all of NACAS.

Edwin R. Golden Award for Inclusive Excellence:  Jodi Freeman, Western University 
Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services: Ryan T. Greene, CASP, Georgia Institute of Technology
Outstanding Business Partner of the Year Award: Caldwell and Gregory, LLC
Volunteer of the Year: Wendy Denman, University of North Texas
Retirement Award – Silver Torch: Carlos Garcia, CASP, University of Colorado -Colorado Springs
Robert F. Newton Award for Distinguished Service: Emily Messa, Ph.D., CASP, University
of Houston

Retirement Award: Silver Torch

The Silver Torch Award honors an employee of a member institution or Business Partner who retires during the conference year and has served in the profession for ten or more years.


  • Any employee of a member institution or Business Partner who retires during the conference year and has served in the profession for ten or more years.

Additional Criteria

  1. Nomination packages should include a completed nomination form, noting the nominee’s date of retirement, a brief summary of the nominee’s service to the profession and to NACAS, and a statement addressing how the nominee has met the award criteria.
  2. Letters of support from regional or national board members are highly encouraged.

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Awards Committee.
  • The Silver Torch award is not necessarily an annual award, nor is it a competitive award. Multiple recipients may be considered to receive the award each year.
  • Self-nominations are welcome.


All those selected for the award will be recognized at the Annual Conference.

Submit your Nonimation

Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Legacy Award

In recognition of the vision for a professional association serving auxiliary/ancillary services in higher education, NACAS is proud to offer a Legacy Award in the name of one the founders and the first president of NACAS, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. In recognition of his extraordinary and outstanding service to NACAS, the institutions he served and the many professionals he taught and mentored, NACAS will each year honor an auxiliary/ancillary services professional or business partner member who demonstrates Dr. Lassiter's leadership qualities and his commitment to volunteerism and community service.


  • Any current or retired employee of a NACAS member institution or Business Partner.


  1. Demonstrate the leadership and volunteer qualities of Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Learn more
  2. Have worked in higher education in a related capacity for a minimum of five years to promote volunteerism and service to the auxiliary/ancillary services profession.
  3. Demonstrate other contributions as evidenced by letters of support or achievement recognition.

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Awards Committee.
  • Submission should include a completed nomination form and three letters of support.
  • Self-nominations are welcome.


The winner would be provided $500 towards a future C3X Annual Conference & Expo registration.

Submit your Nomination

Volunteer of the Year

This award recognizes members who have demonstrated exceptional volunteer work, at the regional and/or national level, that supports the NACAS mission. Nominees for this award should be individuals that have reached out to meet others in the organization, demonstrated exceptional work as a NACAS volunteer, unselfishly worked with others to improve the Association and its mission, and/or performed services or tasks that are not part of their normal assignments.


  • Any current individual institutional member or business partner.
  • Nominee shall not be a regional or national officer in any capacity.
  • Members of the Awards Committee and staff liaisons are not eligible to receive this award.


  1. If being nominated for their work on a recognized NACAS committee, task force, or specially appointed group – must be a current or one year prior member. Volunteer activities can also include but are not limited to: presenting sessions or webinars, providing content for programs or College Services magazine, volunteering on site at C3X or at other NACAS events.
  2. Be nominated by a peer, supervisor, or NACAS staff member in letter form, citing at least (3) three examples of why this individual has been nominated.

Selection Process

  • Each Region will select a NACAS Region Volunteer of the Year award recipient, nominated annually by anyone in the regional membership. Nominations will be evaluated by the Regional Boards, with each Region choosing one award recipient per region. Regional Boards will notify Awards Committee of the awarded recipients annually.
  • Additional nominations will be solicited through the annual award nomination process and one NACAS Volunteer of the Year award winner will be selected by the Awards Committee annually.

Winners will be recognized at the Annual Conference.

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NACAS Foundation

Through generous support of members and business partners, the NACAS Foundation is able to fund professional development and leadership opportunities of NACAS members as they enhance higher education by utilizing the latest in campus services. Learn More
