NACAS Board of Directors
Position Responsibilities
View national Board of Director positions and responsibilities below.

The President of the Association must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good-standing.
The President of the Association shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
The President of the Association shall:
- Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Association.
- Set the date and work with the CEO on place for all Board of Directors meetings.
- Preside at meetings of the Board, Executive Committee, and general membership.
- Serve as member of the Finance Committee and attend in-person Finance committee meetings.
- Enforce all administrative rules and regulations.
- Provide direction and leadership for the Association.
- Remain focused on member issues.
- Write commentaries for College Services magazine.
- Appoint special committees as needed.
- Appoint all Chairs to the Standing and Special Committees and also those members as required and specified in the By-Laws, pending approval by the Board of Directors.
- In consultation with the Board, present Committee Chairs with a list of Association objectives for the year.
- Hold regularly scheduled status meetings with the CEO.
- Attend regional conferences.
- In consultation with the President-Elect and Vice President, set agenda and host the winter Leadership Team Meeting.
- Conduct the annual CEO evaluation with input from the Board of Directors and other key stakeholders.
- Host various events at the annual C3X Conference & Expo including the Past President’s meeting.
- Review the State of the Association before distribution to the general membership.
- Approve all CEO expense reimbursement requests.
- The President shall be deemed to be the Immediate Past President for the following year.
Length of Term
The President shall serve one year upon installation at the C3X Conference & Expo.
The President-Elect must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good-standing.
The President-Elect shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
The President-Elect shall:
- Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Association.
- Serve as a full voting member of the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Serve as member of the Finance Committee.
- Select the Chairs of the Standing Committees, with Board approval, prior to the annual C3X Conference & Expo when the office of President is assumed.
- Serve as the Board liaison to the NACAS Foundation.
- Serve as the Board liaison to the C3X Conference Committee for the year presidency is assumed.
- In consultation with the President and Vice President, assist in planning and attend the Leadership Team Meeting.
- Prepare to assume the office of President, upon installation or upon the death, removal from office, or inability to act of the sitting President.
- Develop objectives for year as President.
- Introduce and host events as assigned at the Annual C3X Conference & Expo.
- Participate in the annual CEO evaluation process.
- Assume the office of the NACAS President once the President-Elect term is complete.
- Other duties as assigned by the President.
Length of Term
The President-Elect shall serve a one year term upon installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
The Vice President must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good-standing and shall be from the region of the Association identified through the regional rotation schedule: East, Central, West, and South.
The Vice President shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
- Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Association.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and attend committee meetings.
- Serve as a full voting member of the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
- Serve on the Annual C3X Conference Committee as the liaison between the committee and the Board of Directors for the conference that occurs the year of service as President-Elect.
- Serve as the Vice Chair of the Committee Chair Council (CCC). Preside over meetings in the Chair’s absence.
- Serve as the liaison between the CCC and the Board.
- Provide leadership to the CCC ensuring links between the committees’ actions and the Strategic Plan.
- In consultation with the President and President-Elect, assist in planning and attend the winter Leadership Team meeting.
- Serve as member of the Finance Committee.
- Participate in the CEO Evaluation process.
- Assume the office of the President-Elect once the Vice President term is complete.
Length of Term
The Vice-President shall serve a one-year term upon election and installation at the Annual C3X Conference & Expo.
At-Large Members
The At-Large Board Member must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good standing and shall be elected by the members of the Association.
Note: Current areas of focus are CASP/Professional Development and the Volunteer Experience
The At-Large Board Member shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
The At-Large Board Member shall:
- Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Association.
- Focus on specific priorities or critical issues identified by the Board of Directors.
- Chair task force or serve as a special liaison between the task force/committee and the Board of Directors.
- Attend meetings pertaining to the specific priority.
- Prepare and present reports as requested by the President or Board of Directors at a Board of Directors meeting.
- Serve as a full voting member of the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
- Introduce and host events as assigned at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
- Attend annual Leadership Team Meeting.
- Participate in the CEO Evaluation process.
- Other duties as assigned by the President.
Length of Term
The At-Large Board Member shall serve a three-year term upon election and installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
The Treasurer must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good-standing and shall be elected by the members of the Association.
The Treasurer shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
The Treasurer shall:
- Read and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Association.
- Serve as a full voting member of the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and attend committee meetings.
- Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee. Conduct meetings as needed.
- Review and recommend changes to the fiscal policies of the Association.
- Advise the Board of Directors concerning reserve and other investments.
- Submit and present an audited Annual Report for approval by the membership at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
- Cooperate fully with the Auditors in preparation of the Annual Report.
- Work with CEO/Accounting team to prepare status reports for all board meetings.
- Ensure that all funding priorities adhere to the Association’s mission, vision, and strategic direction of the Association.
- Prepare any special reports requested by the President or Board of Directors.
- Prepare a proposed budget with direction from the Finance Committee, Board of Directors, and the CEO.
- Present proposed budget for approval by the membership at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
- Introduce and host events as assigned at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
- Attend the annual Leadership Team Meeting.
- Participate in the CEO Evaluation process.
- Other duties as assigned by the President.
Length of Term
The Treasurer shall serve a three year term upon election and installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good-standing.
The Immediate Past President shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
The Immediate Past President shall:
- Read, review, and understand the By-Laws and the Policies governing the Association. At the request of the President, activate and chair the By-Laws Committee.
- Serve as a full voting member of the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Participate in the CEO evaluation process.
- Serve as Parliamentarian at all official meetings.
- Swear in the newly elected Board at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
- Chair the Nominating Committee.
- Present the proposed slate of officers to the National Board at the Summer Board Meeting.
- Coordinate communications with Past Presidents.
- Fulfill any annual C3X Conference & Expo duties assigned.
- Attend the annual Leadership Team Meeting.
- Other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Length of Term
The Immediate Past President shall serve a one year term at the completion of a successful term as President. The year commences after installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
Regional Directors
The Regional Director must be a full-time employee of a member institution in good-standing and is elected by the members of their respective regions at the Region’s Annual Conference.
The Regional Director shall, at all times:
- Uphold the By-laws of the Association.
- Adhere to the NACAS Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- Conduct business in compliance with established policies.
- Practice the established values in the values statement.
- Support the mission and vision of the Association.
- Conduct business in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
The Regional Director shall:
- Read and understand the By-Laws and Policies governing the Association.
- Serve on his/her region’s Board of Directors as a full voting member.
- Serve as a full voting member of the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
- Ensure regional needs are represented at the national level and national issues are brought back to the regions for input.
- Serve as the liaison between the National Board and the Regional Board.
- Participate in Committee Chair Council meetings if requested by the Regional President.
- Prepare and present reports of regional activities as requested by the President or Board of Directors at a Board of Directors meeting.
- Attend the annual Leadership Team Meeting.
- Participate in the CEO Evaluation process.
- Other duties as assigned by the Regional or National President.
Length of Term
The Regional Director shall serve a three year term upon installation at the annual C3X Conference & Expo.
Chief Executive Officer (Ex-Officio)
Responsibilities: The Chief Executive Officer (Ex-Officio) acts as Secretary of the Board and performs other duties as assigned by the President and the Board.
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NACAS Foundation
Through generous support of members and business partners, the NACAS Foundation is able to fund professional development and leadership opportunities of NACAS members as they enhance higher education by utilizing the latest in campus services. Learn More