
November 5-8, 2023
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto, ON, Canada

Submit Call for Programs Now


C3X Call for Programs

Lead and Innovate

C3X educational sessions are the backbone of our conference. Share your expertise and insights across multiple topic areas in auxiliary services in higher education related to leading the future, innovations in business operations and post COVID new normal. Communicate your impact on student experience, campus environments, and innovation for the future.

Please direct questions about submitted C3X proposals to submissions@nacas.org

Details & Deadlines

May 29: Call for Programs opens
July 28: Call for Programs closes
Mid-August: Speakers will be notified of submission status
September 15: Accepted speakers must be registered for the conference
October 20: Speakers must upload presentation materials (e.g. PowerPoints, drafts, outlines, handouts)


Submission & Session Information

Submission & Session Information

We are seeking education that provides auxiliary services with the information, resources and tools that help guide the future of business operations as well as help students become more engaged in their campus environment, more successful in their college experience, and more likely to stay enrolled in the institution.

Studies show that adult learners respond best to education that provides actionable takeaways, session interaction, and peer to peer engagement.  Please indicate how you plan to incorporate these components in your submission to present in one of the formats noted below.  Please note that NACAS will provide opportunities for audience response through polling which is one option you can leverage for session interaction.


Session Formats

Standard Presentation with Q&A – 45 minutes

The speaker presents a traditional session which includes time for audience question and answer.

Business case discussion – 45 minutes

The speaker presents a business operations case scenario highlighting a situation, event, and/or process and takes the audience through the journey of how to manage the scenario for best outcomes.

In Conversation With – 60 minutes

In this interview-style format, a facilitator and industry expert will have the opportunity to discuss a trending topic and how they have applied knowledge, attitude, and skills for effective results. Ideally, the facilitator will guide the speaker to introduce a scenario where they have been able to foster good outcomes. The facilitator will ask pertinent questions and engage the audience in the discussion. Submissions to this format must include the names of both the facilitator and the speaker.

Panel session – 60 minutes

This multiple presenter format will feature a discussion among three to four panelists. The session facilitator will have 5-10 minutes to walk the audience through an overview of the topic.  This will be followed by a robust question and answer discussion among the panelists.   The final 15 minutes will be a facilitated audience Q&A.

Industry Roundtable discussion – 75 minutes

This session fosters peer to peer learning and engagement.  The speaker will present a number of topics to the attendees for an open discussion. The number of topics must range from three to five and can cover topics such as overcoming staffing challenges, innovative revenue opportunities, leveraging technology advancements, etc.


Session Topics

Theme:  Leading the future
Building synergies across various operations
Collaboration with leadership outside of auxiliary services
Combating inflation
Crisis management
Data analytics; storytelling with data
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
Employee engagement and retention strategies
Managing across multiple generations
Professional Development (sales, contract negotiation, change management, etc.)
Leadership soft skills (e.g. communication, conflict management, critical thinking, influence/persuasion, negotiation)
Staffing shortages
Succession planning

Theme:  Innovations in business operations
Enrollment trends and impacts on operations
Enterprise solutions
The future of retail
The next “BIG” thing in auxiliary services in higher education
Electric mobility
Innovations dining, retail, parking, housing, conference, transportation etc.
Student services
Technology advancements
Transition from Third Party to Self Operating

Theme:  Post COVID new normal
Climate action
Cross campus collaboration
Future trends and business evolutions
Mental health
Vendor management
Revenue drivers
RFP process development
Student Affordability (food, housing, tuition)
Third party partnerships (food, housing, conference services, etc.)


Learning Level

  • Emerging Professional (fewer than 5 years experience)
  • Mid-level (5 plus years with minimal oversight responsibilities)
  • Senior Executive (5 plus years with multiple oversight and decision making responsibilities)


Proposal Submission

Please include the following:

  • Session Format: Select among one of the following formats noted above.
  • Session Title: Limited to 25 words or less
  • Actionable takeaways: List up to three practical takeaways the audience will gain for immediate action in their practice setting.
  • Session Description: Provide a summary of the session: Limited to 300 words or less.
  • Presenter name, title, institution/company, and bio
  • High-resolution headshot
  • Learning Level: Note which learning level your session will be designed to reach.  See above for descriptions.


Presenter Requirements

  • All presenters must register for at least one Day Pass during the conference.
  • All presenters must plan to attend C3X and cover their own travel costs. Guest rates do not apply.
  • Exhibiting NACAS Business Partners are welcome to submit sessions. Business Partners who would like to co-present with an institution must have an active membership but are not required to exhibit.
  • Presenters must sign and agree to the NACAS speaker policy.

Submit your Call for Programs Now!

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