About CASP

Validating the Distinctive Expertise of Campus Auxiliary Service Leaders


CASP Update

Am I eligible? How do I study? When and where can I test? These frequently asked questions, and more, were covered in detail by NACAS and the Certification Commission in the annual Auxiliary Services Council Of Georgia 2020 meeting. Watch below to learn more about the current state of CASP!

ASCOG Recording


2021 CASP Roundtable: Am I ready for CASP?



NACAS created CASP so universities can responsibly prepare for leadership succession planning, benefit from operational efficiencies, and stay current in auxiliary-related practices that must adapt to emerging technologies and trends.

By placing the right leaders into executive auxiliary roles who have been validated by a rigorous and reputable certification program, valuable collaboration increases on campus and higher education institutions experience eased staffing transitions, quicker decision making in cross-departmental meetings, and less conflict when various service functions integrate.



CASP provides specialized education and exposure to resources that one can’t gain from a degree or professional experience in one-to-few auxiliary service areas. It provides an accelerated track for a high-performing candidate to obtain the cross-functional knowledge that is necessary to perform at an executive level. Designed to offer candidates their own skills assessment and pathways to develop in the areas needed, CASP fills competency gaps to build confidence in new leaders and in those who hire them.


History of CASP

CASP began in 2004 when NACAS members requested that the association establish a process to validate the knowledge of professionals who lead multiple campus auxiliaries.

After five years of extensive industry research, NACAS took a bold step in 2009 and began to create a certification. Today, CASP is the only certification that validates the competencies that one operating at the level of director of above must demonstrate to successfully oversee the delivery of multiple auxiliary services found on a college or university campus.

The Exam: The CASP program includes a 150-question, multiple-choice exam that demonstrates specialized expertise as campus auxiliary service leader – giving those that pass and their institutions the confidence to set sophisticated strategy, forge business partnerships, and make transformative decisions to benefit campus communities.

The Benefit: Vast in responsibilities, the Auxiliary Services profession requires leaders to bring new meaning to multi-tasking, foresight, and problem-solving as these skill sets relate to business operations and service design. CASP provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in the delivery of the following auxiliary services:

  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Marketing, Communications, and Business Relations
  • Student Development
  • Operational Areas: Physical Facilities, Food Services, Bookstores/Commercial Retail, Card Services, Automated Vending


Eligibility Requirements

CASP proves proficiency, and there are certain milestones exam takers must achieve before their testing date.

They must:

  • Be employed or contracted on a college or university campus and directly provide auxiliary/ancillary services
  • Have a Bachelor’s degree or higher from a U.S. or Canadian regionally accredited college or university or foreign equivalent OR five years of full-time work or military experience to substitute.
  • Have four years’ full-time experience in management (within the last ten years) directly related to auxiliary/ancillary services (non-academic support services).
  • Three years of these must be in higher education auxiliary/ancillary services

Apply Now

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